About us
We are based in the north of the Isle of Man near Ballaugh Curragh. The consultancy has carried out a wide variety of contracts since it was started in 2010. Our experience is founded on a fascination of the landscape of the Isle of Man and we have been teaching, doing fieldwork and research in archaeology, ecology and landscape for several decades both on the Island and beyond.
Curriculum vitae: Peter Davey and Philippa Tomlinson
Recent ecological projects
- 'Biological database and mapping services' for Ecosystem Services, Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA), Isle of Man Government from 2010, current contract 2015-2020, ongoing
- 'Ramsey Mooragh Clover Patch' and translocation project. For Northern Trust, for developer complying with planning condition, 2018- ongoing.
- 'Species analysis' for Manx Wildlife Trust as part of the Wildlife Counts project. 2019.
- 'Citizen Science Assessment' for Manx Wildlife Trust. 2018-9.
- 'Support contract for remote sensing' for DEFA, 2014
- 'Biodiversity indicators assessment report' DEFA, 2013-14
- 'Biological records 1996-2012 data interpretation and inputting services' for Manx National Heritage, 2013
- 'Gas pipeline route botanical and tree survey and assessment' for Manx Electricity Authority, 2010
- 'Website for Manx Biodiversity' for Manx Nature Conservation Forum and Manx National Heritage, 2010
- 'Marine GIS for the Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Nature Reserve' and 'Marine biological records user guide' for Fisheries Department, DEFA, 2010
- 'Archaeological excavations between 1998 and 2008 at Rushen Abbey, Isle of Man' book and online publication preparation for Manx National Heritage with Liverpool University, 2019-2021, ongoing.
- 'Renshent project design, excavation and post-excavation report' for Mrs A Cain, 2019.
- 'Rushen Abbey Publication Evaluation' and 'Rushen Abbey Archive Catalogue' for Manx National Heritage with Liverpool University, 2017
- 'Rushen Abbey post excavation assessment' for Manx National Heritage with Liverpool University, 2015-2017
- 'Knockaloe Farm Statement of Significance' with Centre for Manx Studies, for DEFA, November 2015
- 'Port Lewaigue brickworks archaeological assessement and watching brief' for Manx Utilities Authority, 2014
- 'Booilishag pipeline route archaeological assessment' for Manx Utilities Authority, 2014
- 'Post excavation assessment Tai Penamnen' for Cymdeilthas Hanes Dolwyddelan Historical Society, 2013
- 'Post excavation archaeological assessments, various sites' for Greenlane Archaeology, Carlise, 2011-13
- 'Poortown Quarry watching brief' with Centre for Manx Studies for Poortown Quarry, 2013
- 'Swash wreck post excavation assessment' for Bournemouth University Archaoelogy Group, 2013
- 'Post excavation assessment of the clay tobacco pipes from the excavations in Carrickfergus' for Department of Archaeology, Queens University, Belfast, 2012
- 'Gristlehirst Farm post excavation assessment' for Bury Archaeological Group, 2011